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Brian Schaar

A balloon launch was held at the Tusky Boat Ramp on August 4, 2011 in memory of Brian Schaar, who died on July 17th from a kayaking accident. August 4 would have been Brian’s 22nd birthday.

The death of popular resident Brian Schaar, 21, had residents sharing all he had done to assist his Goshen neighbors throughout the years. In 2004, he received the Goshen Neighbor of the Year Award for assisting Bruce, Robin and Audrey Brokaw, who were affected by flooding. Schaar is the youngest recipient of the award which will be renamed “The Brian Schaar Neighbor of the Year Award ” beginning in 2012.  “He helped us tremendously,”said Robin Brokaw, of Goshen Valley Rd. “It’s something we’ll never forget.”  Brokaw recounts that Schaar was only about 14 year’s old when he worked late into the night to help her mother-in-law, Audrey. Schaar pumped water out of the basement and helped other neighbors carry out large items, which included a washer and dryer.

Doris Schumacher noted that when her husband Ned passed away that Schaar approached her at the funeral home to offer his support.  “He was only 13 then but said whatever I needed, he would be glad to help,” she said. “He was a good kid. It’s sad.”  Schumacher added that she often would see him outside plowing out her long lane during the winter, including this past year.  “Then he’d give me a quick wave and off he’d go.” she said. “He never wanted anything in return.”

Jim Torgler who lived on Schaar Ln. says Schaar recently helped him put a new roof on his home.  “He saw me working and just jumped in to help,” said Torgler. “He also mowed my lawn several times. I didn’t ask him to do it.”

Floyd “Zeke” Davis remembered having a 50-foot spruce tree blow over during a storm several years ago.  “He didn’t come in and say ‘Can I help you?’ He just got to work.” Davis noted. “I made the mistake of mentioning other trees that needed cut and another day I looked out and there he was with his saw. I don’t think there’s anyone in Goshen he hasn’t helped at one time or another.”

During the winter months, Schaar loved blading out the driveways of his neighbors and Davis was no exception. Davis said he would hear a noise and look outside to see Schaar plowing the snow out of his drive.  “I didn’t ask him to do it and he didn’t want to take any money,” Davis said. “He was something special to us.”

Schaar, born on August 4, 1989, was the son of Pam (husband John) Maxwell Schaar Ashleman, of Uhrichsville and the late James Schaar. He also had a brother Matt (wife Charlotte) Schaar and many aunts, uncles and cousins. He was a graduate of Indian Valley High School in 2008. He had most recently worked at Howden-North America, in New Philadelphia and enjoyed all outdoor activities. He died following a kayaking accident on July 17, 2011.