Zeisberger Cemetery
Zeisberger Cemetery wall partially rebuilt…
Kim Sulzner (white shirt) and Rick Stein, both of New Philadelphia, dismantled and rebuilt a portion of the wall surrounding the Zeisberger Cemetery in Goshen. The Wall had developed a large crack and had been pushed outward by a tree which grew to close to it. The men work for Gor-Con Construction of Dover. The … Continue reading
Zeisberger Cemetery Crosses
A cluster of crosses erected at the Zeisberger Memorial Cemetery, in Goshen, is quite a site for residents and visitors alike. The 25 ft. gold cross that is flanked by two, 20 ft. pale blue crosses, symbolize Christ on the cross and the two thieves who were crucified with Him. The crosses were put there … Continue reading
Goshen Pictures – 1960’s
Annual Zeisberger Cemetery Clean Up 2011
These are photos of the annual Zeisberger Cemetery clean up. Each year in the spring, area residents get together to get the historical site ready for its busiest season. Following the clean up, a covered dish picnic is held at the home of Teri and Joe Stein. This clean up was held in April and … Continue reading