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Goshen Picnic – Sunday, September 9, 2012 at 1:30 p.m.

Posted by on August 26, 2012
Hi, everyone! 
There’s only about 2 weeks until the annual Goshen Picnic set for September 9, at 1:30 p.m. The event will be held in the Goshen Community Church of the Nazarene’s new social hall, located at 2501, David Rd. This is near the Zeisberger Cemetery and old Goshen Schoolhouse. We are hoping to have record attendance at this dinner. Any Goshen resident, former resident or anyone with a connection to Goshen is invited to attend. Please bring a covered dish and soft drinks with you. All plates, cups and plastic-ware will be provided. Following the dinner, any new attendees will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and to explain their Goshen connection. Anyone wanting to tell a story about their time in Goshen is also welcome to do so. A table will be provided for the display of memorabilia, old photos etc. if you’d like to bring something to share.
We will also be giving our annual award that has been renamed “The Brian Schaar Neighbor of the Year Award”. Brian passed away about a year ago and was well-known for helping his neighbors in need. More information about Brian can be found on the Memorials section of this website. There will also be several “special neighbor” awards and Halloween information available. Cards will be signed for those who are ill and cannot attend our event.        
For more information about the picnic, or to submit a name and address of someone who would appreciate receiving a card, please e-mail me at

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