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Edwin and Anna Hibbs Family

Posted by on October 15, 2011

Edwin and Anna Hibbs bought a large house across from the Goshen School House in the 1930’s. Their daughter Thelma married Waldon Leggett and the couple built a home on the other side of what is now Goshen Valley Dr., next to the School house. They had three sons, Dick, Terry and Ed. When Edwin and Anna Hibb’s son Bill, married Dorothy Carlisle, they made an apartment for them in the upstairs of their home. Bill and Dorothy later purchased the home and raised their three children Ginny, Janice and Bill. The house, which is now owned by Bill and Dorothy’s grandson, Eric Sickafoose, was believed to be Goshen’s first church and Moravian mission house established about 1798. Eric has resided in the home since 1997 with his wife and daughter.

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