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Posted by on July 13, 2013

MICHAEL CLINTON HANLON, 22, of Laurel, Maryland, was born at Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, DC, on August 22, 1962 while his father was serving aboard the USS Enterprise.

He attended schools in Laurel and Ft. Meade, Maryland and graduated from the Randolph-Macon Academy in Front Royal, Virginia on May 31, 1980. With ambition to become a forest ranger, he enrolled at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia.

He worked as a computer operator for Frank A. Serio & Sons in Jessup, Maryland and was working a summer job at Arbitron in Beltsville, Maryland when he was involved in a fatal automobile accident en route from Arbitron to Serios on Thursday, July 25, 1985.

His paternal grandparents are Harold Clinton and Kathryn (Martin) Hanlon of New Philadelphia (Goshen), Ohio; his parents are Donald and LaVonne (Suchocki) Hanlon of Laurel, Maryland. Other family members include sisters, Dawn and Starr, a brother, Steven, and two nieces, Tamara and Lindsay Wood, all of Laurel, Maryland. He was buried in his mother’s hometown, Scottdale, Pennsylvania.

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