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Posted by on January 31, 2013

Caught Many Fish, Had a Good Time, Although They had Accidents

A jolly lot of men, disciples of “Izaak Walton” the fisherman, grabbed their lines and poles last Friday morning and left bright and early over the electric railway, the objective point being Bass Island. The party was gotten up in honor of Dr. Skinner, who was here visiting his local life Insurance agent W.A. Wagner and it consisted of Dr. Skinner, V.H. Mowls, A.V. Donahey, Dr. Heavlin, Harvey Mathias, John Kron and W.A. Wagner. On arrival at the Stillwater bridge, the steamer was in waiting and after the provisions, bait and “sich” had been transferred they went streaming down the river. Like all other parties of the same size, this fishing party had its misfortunes. Dr. Heavlin, being broad shouldered, thought he could carry the case of bait but he found that there wasn’t much gas in it and it became heavier every rod he went and the load was saddled on to Mowls’ broad shoulders. A.V. Donahey lost one of the nicest strings of fish that ever were caught. It was done carelessly too. He had caught several tubs full and had them strung on a twine which he fastened to the oar pin of the boat. In working the oar the string was cut and this biggest string you ever saw was lost, irretrievably gone. Another heart rending, body soaking accident occurred to V.H. Mowls as he was crossing on the rock just below the dam; his feet slipped and down he sat in about two feet of swiftly flowing water. The boys “threw ? hooks” into him and elevated him to an upright position and strung him on a tree to let him dry out. His was the biggest splash that the raging Tuscarawas has seen since the high water. Barring these accidents, the boys all had a glorious time. Their guest was pleased over the hospitable way he was treated and they all returned home in the evening about 7 o’clock bringing with them some over 60 slm?. (not legible.)

2 Responses to OHIO DEMOCRAT & Times- May 30, 1901 – A FISHING PARTY

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