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NewCastle – Goshen – Beidler Canal Boat LuLu Incident…
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Founded by David Zeisberger, a Moravian Missionary. |
Click on the link below to read an 1892 Canal Boat Story.
NewCastle – Goshen – Beidler Canal Boat LuLu Incident…
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Thank You to the person or persons who plowed our driveway on 2/05/2013,and those who have plowed us out in the past …
David Meese
Bass Island was formally opened last Sunday and an immense crowd of people visited the island to see the new resort and listen to music by the Great Eastern band. There were crowded cars from Dover, New Philadelphia, Dennison and Uhrichsville and large parties from the surrounding country joined the throng. The steamers were crowded and were busy all afternoon hauling passengers back and forth. The size of the crowd was a surprise to the managers and they ran out of refreshments soon after the first load of passengers arrived. Everybody speaks in glowing terms of the beauty and excellence of the place for a picnic resort. The band will play there againnext Sunday and the management will be ready for all that all.
Quite a party of New Philadelphia and Dover young poeple went to Bass Island Tuesday evening, were joined by a party of Uhrichsville young people and all indulged in the pleasure of out-door dancing until a late hour. It was a jolly party that left the public square in a special car at 6:20 with well-filled baskets of dainty provisions and freezers of ice cream. After a cooling ride on the car and a charming ride on the boats down Stillwater and the river, they were ready for the dance. Snyder’s Orchestra, of Uhrichsville furnished the music and to say that all had a fine time is putting it mildly.
Miss Isabelle Fowler and quite anumber of her music pupils from New Philadelphia and the Twin Cities with well filled baskets picnicked at Bass Island Saturday. Parents and friends were given a cordial invitation to accompany this jolly crowd. Several regrets were sent Miss Fowler by telephone in disappointment of their absence. When dinner hour arrived, all sat down- about 10 in number- to a well laden table of all the good things of the season. Ice, lemonade and delicious coffee were served, to which all did ample justice. The day was fine. When going home time came, which was 5 0’clock, all said in one chime, “We have all had a lovely time.” A Guest
The visitors at Bass Island last Sunday experienced an exciting five minutes about 4:45 o’clock in the afternoon. There was a big crowd at the Island and when the The Great Eastern Band started to leave many of the throng wanted to go with them. When the boats were drawn up at the landing everybody started to get on at once. The two boats were lashed together side by side, the smaller boat doing the propelling on account of disabled paddles on the larger boat. The crowd surged over the smaller boat and sought seats or a place to stand in the bow of the larger boat. The unevenly divided load forced the nose of the boat deep into the water which commenced to run into an open seam. This was not noticed until the boats had started out into the river. In a short time the water commenced to run through the floor of the boat and a minature panic occurred. Men commenced to scramble into the smaller boat and there was danger of overlaoding it. The boats were run back to the landing quickly and almost everybody got out, some of them having very wet feet. An investigation disclosed the cause of trouble and the larger boat was withdrawn from service. It was a big task for the smaller boat to haul all of the people to the Stillwater bridge but it was accomplished in a few hours and no one suffered from it. The owners of the boat that caused the excitement say that the load that was put on Sunday afternoon was the heaviest of the seaon and that if the crowd had been more evenly divided fore and aft the boat would not have been forced deep enough in the water to reach the open seam. They regret the mishap very much and have taken steps to prevent anything of the kinds ever happening again.