On Saturday March 31, 2012, the Goshen Church of the Nazarene held their annual Easter event for church members, friends, and neighbors. The event was well attended. The day started in the church with a skit depicting how Jesus found his disciples and portrayed the Last Supper. Everyone sang “Jesus Loves Me,” before Easter baskets were distributed to the babies in attendance and the older children played games to win Easter eggs. Each child received four to five eggs. A delicious lunch was served and door prizes were awarded.
Shremshock Family
The following items were sent to me from Mary Lou Shremshock in an e-mail. Mary Lou, her husband Jerry and their family of 5 boys (now six boys) resided in the house that David and Ruth Meese now live in on Goshen Valley Rd. The Shremshocks lived there for several years in the late 1960’s and part of the 1970’s. I, along with my sister Teri, babysat for the family and really enjoyed them. Mary Lou has said they are planning to send some photos and other memories of Goshen in the near future. I will then be able to be more specific with the years they resided here.
Thanks! Cindy Krocker Davis
The following is in Mary Lou’s words:
– Jerry and I have many fond memories of our time in Goshen. Having been raised in a suburban neighborhood we thrived on country life while raising our sons. After moving to the Columbus area we still opted for the country. Mary and Paul Mehok were probably the best neighbors anyone could have. Mary showed me how to garden and can our harvests. Many a cup of coffee was shared in their kitchen or ours. Paul was always coming to the aid of this young bride- Jerry commuted to Columbus for several months. A leaking hot water tank, Tim climbing the tv tower, Tim falling down on a milk bottle and causing a need for stitches, thus a trip to the emergency room- Paul was always around to help.
– My first encounter with Halloween country style, Jerry was taking classes at Kent State still and I was home alone with the boys. Terrible raquet on the front porch. I had no idea what it was. Next morning, Mary laughed when I told her. It was corn kernels thrown across the porch and of course some soap on the windows. Jerry was home for the next Halloween and dressed as the headless horseman and scared some of the neighborhood kiddos. Lots of fun.
– And I will never forget one night returning from Akron and the car broke down right at the turn onto Goshen Rd. I had one of the boys (babe in arms) with me and your family (Ed and Mary Krocker family who used to reside across from the Zeisberger Cemetery) was the only one that opened the door to me that dark night. Thus, began our relationship of babysitting. Lucky us. (No, lucky us!)
– Joshua, our last son was born 11 years after Ben. Scott is now 46 in May, Tim is 44, Patrick is 43, Ben is 42 and Josh is 31 in May. All are married. We have seven grandkids (finally some girls in the family- three granddaughters). Scott, Tim and Ben work with us. (Shremshocks Architects and Engineering) Patrick is a director of an outdoor education center, in Alabama and Josh is our starving artist. He is a potter and has a studio and gallery in Lithopolis, a suburb of Columbus.
Farmer’s Casserole by Gusty Crum
24 oz. frozen, shredded hash brown potatoes
3/4 cup shredded Monterey jack cheese
1 cup diced, fully cooked ham
1/4 cup chopped onion
4 eggs
1 can (12-oz.) evaporated milk
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/8 tsp. salt
Place potatoes in an 8″ square cake pan. Sprinkle with cheese, ham and onions. Beat eggs, milk, salt and pepper and pour over all. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 55-60 minutes.
Obituary – Daniel Lee “Dan” Horn
Daniel Lee “Dan” Horn, 58, of Oldtown Valley, died unexpectedly at his farm, on March 15, 2012. He was the son of Richard “Ray” Horn and the late Cleala Schumacher Horn. Dan was born November 28, 1953 and graduated from New Philadephia School. Horn was a third generation farmer of the Simon and Ned Schumacher Farm, in Goshen. In addition to his father Ray, Dan is survived by his sister Brenda (Donald) Sibley of Strasburg; his brother, Jay (Pamela) Horn of, New Philadelphia; a niece, Melissa Sibley; two nephews, Eric and Dylan Sybley; an uncle Glen (Bonnie Ann) Schumacher, of Tuscarawas; two aunts, Doris Schumacher, of Goshen and Mary Pemberton, of Colorado, and many cousins and close friends. He was preceded in death by his mother, a dear uncle and mentor, Ned Schumacher and Ned’s first wife, Martha. The full obit appeared in the Times Reporter on Sunday, March 18 and Monday March 19.
History of home at 2467 David Road, New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 (Goshen)
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History is being sought on house in Goshen…can anyone help?
I moved into Goshen last almost 2 years ago. I am looking for stories of residents that lived in my house. The address is 2467 David Road, right across from the graveyard. I’d like to get some history on this house in particular.
I enjoy the country feel here, and still being close to town. And I couldn’t ask for better neighbors!
Any info would be appreciated.
Submitted by: Joe G.
Hazel and Howard Hill Family
My grandparents were Hazel and Howard Hill. They had three children: Howard (now living in Florida), Kenneth (my father, still in Ohio) and a daughter (she died very young). They lived “up on the hill” next to the Winkler brothers.
My great grandfather, Isaac, created “Black Salve” and “White Linoment” in the “Medicine House” that was a small shack part way up the hill. I was always told stories of how it had been used as a stop on the Underground Railroad during the Civil War.
My grandfather (possibly great grandfather) lost a Model T on the Goshen Hill Road when an old coal mine collapsed. The car was never recovered. He was instrumental in getting the State of Ohio to recognize the importance of preserving Schoenbrunn.
Goshen has a lot of which it can be proud. It has a rich historical background, some outstanding people and is nestled in a beautiful part of Ohio with gently rolling hills and lush valleys. I can remember playing in the woods as a small boy. We would climb on the mammoth boulders, deposited so long ago by the glaciers that once covered the area, and cool ourselves in the natural spring-fed streams. The Winkler brothers, with their barn covered in squirrel pelts, would tell us stories of the “old days” until it got dark and we’d head off to catch lightning bugs or our mother would call us for dinner. Fond memories…very fond memories.
Submitted by: Dan A. Hill
We finally have all the correct names on the pictures from Mike Swaldo…
Click on the following link:
Easter Egg Hunt – Goshen Community Church of the Nazarene
When: MARCH 31, 2012
Time: 10:00 a.m.
What: Ages 0 to 13