Photos submitted by Sue Rolli Kirtley

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Stories from Bob Cookson

Bob Cookson recently shared a couple of stories from his younger days in Goshen. He is currently 70 years young and resides in Wilmington, North Carolina. He told about his days attending the Goshen School and these are his words:

I started first grade at the Goshen School and spent 8 years there. When I started, the “outhouses” were at the end of the driveway behind the school, next to the Leggett property. I remember inside plumbing coming to Goshen but I don’t remember what year. If you went in the left hand set of doors if you were facing the school, at the bottom of the basement steps on the left was the electrical panel and that is where the janitor had a switch to ring the bell for all events. In that same little area was the old hand pump for water. When the restrooms were installed, we also got an electric pump and water fountains. Up town! We even had a shower in the restrooms.
Originally as I recall there was a stage in the gym on the top floor on the left side facing the front of the school from the 416 side. I remember Hupp Music Store putting on a show there with a goup of students playing “Hawaiian Guiltars.” I think Harold Lute played in that performance. Last I heard Harold was still Mayor of Roswell. (He recently resigned that position after many years.) Also, our school plays were performed there. Later the stage came out and we used the gym.
During my 7th and 8th grades, the stage end of the gym was turned into a classroom. Mr. Bowers was the principal and taught 7th and 8th grade. When I first started school at Goshen, Stoggie Rausch was the janitor. Later on Mr. Brennan became the janitor. The only two cooks I remember were Silvia Johnson and Mrs. Hibbs. Basketball coaches I remember were Bill Anderson and Woody Richardson, who was also our mail carrier. Woody’s sons Billy and Eddie attended school there.
We had trouble with the milk vanishing from the cooler in the basement at one time. There were a group of rascals that figured out if you removed the coal cover on the coal cellar (in the back of the school) and slipped in you could enjoy a free milk. Don’t think the school ever figured it out but they did lock the cooler.
We used to always sit on the steps in front of the school and each of us would pick a brand of car and we would count how many went by. We were easily entertained.
At lunch during the summer there was always a softball game. Mr. Bowers would pitch for both sides and of course, he pitched according to the hitter’s ability. In the winter it was basketball.
Mr. Bowers bought one of the early ’55 Chevy V8’s and took a group of us for a ride at lunch time down to Helen Rolli’s tavern and back. V8Chevy was hot in those days! Each year at the end of basketball season, Mr. Bowers would put on a dinner for the school. We did pray before those meals and we did say the pledge each morning before class. I don’t remember anyone being seriously injured as a result. I remember when Lucille Reynolds got Polio and we all got our sugar cube.
I remember once when the flag rope broke, Mr. Bowers had Harold Lute climb the flag pole and put a new rope through the pulley at the top. Today they would probably sue you for even thinking such a thought.
Growing up in Goshen was a great life with great people.

Halloween Stories:

Bob says that he and Russ Hobart were “terrors” during Halloween when they were young. ” I think Tom Brokaw liked to chase us as much as we enjoyed soaping his windows,” Bob said.
He also told of the time he and Russ were “picking on” Waldon Leggett.
“Waldon came out the back door and Russ and I ran across his back yard toward Helen Rolli’s Hill. Almost at the end of Waldon’s yard, there is this dip in the ground and I leaped over it but didn’t make it. I’m falling, falling, falling so I threw my arms out and caught myself but I am in a well or something… Turns out it is was their septic tank. I smelled really good when I got out of there and hauled tail right to the old sulfer creek and tried my darndest to wash that mess off my pant legs. Of course, Russ could not wait to spread the word next day at school.”

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Maurer Family

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Cope Family

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Tom and Anna Moore Family

Tom and Anna Moore Family — Our family consisted of three children, Carol who graduated in 1964, Jo Ann (me) graduated in 1965 and our younger sister, Betty who graduated in I believe 1972. Our family lived in Goshen three different times. The first time was in the early 1950′s where we lived in back the lane with the Davis family, and the Ebert family to name a few. I’m not sure the lane had a name. The second time we lived in Goshen was on Goshen Hill next door to the Paul Maurer family. The third time we lived in Goshen we lived down the street from what was Ann’s Tavern. On this street also was the Lindsey family, the Anderson family, Reynolds, the Hobart family (Jack and Jim) and the owners of the Hucks Gas Station on the corner.

My Dad worked at Goshen Sewer Pipe for many years and did some of my uncles. I can still remember the glow of the kilns when they were burning.

Oh the memories of living in Goshen where friends could easily go out to play and be gone for hours and parents didn’t have to worry like they do today. Life was fun, simple and when I look back those years were the best.

Goshen School and the teachers we had were expected to do so much for the kids. Not only did Mrs. Larkin teach 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade all in one room, rotating from one class to another, she played on the playground during lunch time. She has been a person that I have admired all of my life.

There were times we would walk from Goshen School down to Hucks store to buy pencils for school. Can you imagine being allowed to leave the school grounds to go to the store?

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Audrey Browkaw’s 88th Birthday – November 27, 2011

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Tim Page proposing to his girlfriend Katie.

Tim Page proposing to his girlfriend Katie.

The Jim and Marilyn Page family have been putting up their large Christmas display for more than 30 years and Marilyn says they still get a huge response.
“We still have an awful lot of cars come by each year,” she said, while noting that times have changed just a bit for the annual tradition. “Jim used to put on a Santa suit and hand out candy canes to the kids in the cars for the four hours the display was lit. But then the house burnt down around 1984 and we lost the suit. We couldn’t afford to replace it.”
Marilyn added that they used to run a train outside as part of the display but also discontinued that ritual after the fire.
The display, which is one of the largest in the county with a myriad of lights and hand painted cartoon figures has caught the attention of the local newspaper more than once.
“When Shane was just 3, a T-R photographer was here and just caught a photo of him wrapping a cord around Jesus’ neck,” said Page. “It was kind of funny.”
There was another photo of the family and their display when twin sons, Matt and Tim were small. “We were holding them in the photo,” she said.
On Christmas Eve, of 2002, Tim decided to propose to his then girfriend of 5 yeras, Katie Johnson. With a lot of help and planning a 6′ by 26′ sign was created and placed amongst the holiday sparkle and painted characters.
“I was shocked,” Katie said at the time, while noting that people were curious about her answer after seeing the sign. Katie joked that Tim should erect a new sign that stated: “She said YES!”
While they stood outside admiring Tim’s handiwork, a car drove by and stopped. A man they didn’t know rolled down his car window and yelled, “Did she say yes?” The couple confirmed that she had.
Tim explained during an interview with the T-R that Katie had told him previously that when he asked her to marry him that he had better do it in a way that means something to him.
“And as you can see, Christmas lights have always been special around here,” he said, looking around. The couple were married on June 19, of 2004 and have a daughter Matilyn Elizabeth.   They reside in Tuscarawas.
The family continues to put up and improve the display that sits along Goshen Valley Dr. and State Route 416 each year about this time. It wouldn’t be Christmas in Goshen without it!

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Picture of a ball game taking place…

Mitch Davis, Doug Davis, Matt Davis

This game occurred in 1992 and was touted as the Whiffle Ball World Series, which was held in the front yard of Marvin and Cindy Krocker Davis, of Goshen Valley Rd. Those participating included Josh and Justin Carlisle, Brandon Haney, Seth, Chris and Nathan Albury, Doug Davis, Brandon Haney, Dan and Steve Krocker and Mitch, Matt and Marc Davis. The idea came from Mitch who set up the yard in replica World Series fashion. The teams had official names and logos as well. They were the Goshen Valley Athletics vs. the Biedler Braves. An article appeared in the Times Reporter about the event. During this time, the Atlanta Braves and Toronto Blue Jays were about to square off in the actual World Series.

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Old Picture…

Left to Right - John Gervasi, Sivio Zadra, Laura "Babe" Vesco Russell, Frances Pinchek and Oliver Zadra

This photo belongs to Laura Vesco Russell, of Barnhill, who is now 95 years young. She explained that the photo was taken at the Harry Cleverfield Airport while it was under construction. The airport opened in 1940. Russell and Frances Pinchek lived in Wainwright at the time but were asked to accompany Goshen guys John Gervasi, Sivio Zadra and Oliver Zadra to the airport to see what progress they were making.

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Thompson Family

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