Obituary: Roberta Margaret Warner

    Age 99, died Thursday April 18, 2013, in Meadow Manor East Nursing Home, in Terre Haute, Ind. She was born in her parent’s Goshen home, overlooking the old Erie Canal (Lock 14) near St. Rt. 416 and the Tuscarawas River (south of New Philadelphia) on January 31, 1914. She was next to the youngest of nine chidren of Robert Donnelson Carlisle, Jr. and Elizabeth Stoeklin Carlisle. The Robert Donnelson Carlisle, Sr. family emigrated from Dunbartenshire, Scotland (near Glasgow) in the late 19th century. At the time of her death, she was the oldest living graduate of Midvale High School, having graduated in May, 1931. Roberta was predeceased by all of her lovaeable siblings as well as by her faithful and treasured lifelong companion, Edward Charles Warner who died of pancreatic cancer on July 17th, 1983. Roberta and Edward were married on Christmas morning 1934, in the living room of her uncle, John D. Carlisle performing the ceremony. They celebrated doubly every Christmas morning.
    She is survived by one son, Edward Allen Warner, a grandson Aaron Thomas Warner and his wife Karla; and two great-grandsons, William and Journey Warner, all of Terre Haute. She is survived by a great- granddaughter Christa Lynn Warner Cruz and two great-granddaughters Emily and Tessa Cruz, of Arlington Heights of North Chicago Ill.
    The family will greet guests on Monday April 29th, from 4-7 in the Linn-Hert-Geib Funeral home and Crematory at New Phila. An additional hour of visitation will be held in the funeral home’s chapel from 9-10 a.m. where Elder Ron Harmon will lead a celectration of life service at 10 a.m. Roberta and her husband were life-long members of the Community of Christ Church, in New Philadelphia’s southside. In honoring their committment to the congregation, the family suggests momorial contributions be directed to Community of Christ Church, 515-Church Ave. SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663. The obit appears in its entirety on
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Zeisberger Trail and Parks “Yard Sale” Fundraiser…


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Goshen railroad bridge destroyed in 1913 flood.

Goshen bridge gone in 1913 flood.

Goshen railroad bridge destroyed in 1913 flood.

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Marge Davis holding daughter JoAnn, her husband, Zeke, holding son Marvin. Son Mel is standing in front.

Marge Davis holding daughter JoAnn her husband Zeke holding son


Marge Davis, holding daughter JoAnn, her husband, Zeke, holding son
Marvin. Son Mel is standing in front.

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Frank Davis, Jack Davis and Ida Mae Davis, all who grew up in Goshen. Children of John Davis

Frank Davis Jack Davis and Ida Mae Davis all who grew up in Goshen


Frank Davis, Jack Davis and Ida Mae Davis, all who grew up in Goshen.
Children of John Davis



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Goshen Local (Sewer Pipe) 501 – 1952

Front row Walter Hammond Treas and Bernard Conklin Vice-President  Standing  Adrian Rausch President and Floyd Davis Recording Secretary

Front-row: Walter Hammond-Treas and Bernard Conklin-Vice-President
Standing:  Adrian Rausch-President and Floyd Davis-Recording Secretary

Goshen Local (Sewer Pipe) 501 was granted its charter and was organized on August 2, 1934, with Ray Johnson as President.  Goshen Local 501 was one of the first sewer plants to be 100% unionized.   This picture was taken in 1952.

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1948 fishing at Clendening Lake

jane rausch delcoma and nancy hobart '48
Submitted by Jane Rausch Delcoma
Fishing was a favorite pastime back in the day (besides baseball) and almost every Sunday we would be at a lake.  Here I am (Jane Rausch Delcoma) sitting on a giant rock with my Goshen childhood friend, Nancy Hobart Grinstead, at Clendening Lake in April of 1948.

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1942 Ida Smith Howard Home…

Grandma Howard '42


Submitted by Jane Rausch Delcoma
This picture was taken at the home of MY Grandma Ida Smith Howard in Goshen on Thanksgiving Day, 1942.  Pictured are:  First row:  Eddie Krocker, my (stupid) brother Jerry Rausch(sticking his tongue out as a typical 9-yr old) and Carol Moore Stanley.  In Back:  My mother Mildred Howard Rausch, MY Grandma Ida Smith Howard, my older brother Jack Rausch,  my Aunt Evelyn Howard Moore holding Tom Krocker, and my older sister Jeanette Rausch Nicks.  (Joe Krocker’s childhood home can be seen in the background.)  We would have walked over Goshen Hill from our home to get to Grandma’s house because during the war my Dad lived/worked in Canton and we wouldn’t had a car.

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1923 photo – Mildred Howard Rausch and Kathryn Howard Krocker

Mildred Howard Rausch and her little sister, (your Grandmother) Kathryn Howard Krocker May 1923


Submitted by Jane Rausch Delcoma
This picture is of MY mother Mildred Howard Rausch and her little sister, (Joe Krocker’s Grandmother) Kathryn Howard Krocker.  It was taken in May of 1923.

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1912 Photo of home near the Zeisberger Cemetery

grandma howard house


Submitted by Jane Rausch Delcoma
This snapshot is the home of MY Grandma Ida Smith Howard (across the street from Zeisberger Cemetery) taken in 1912.  If you look very closely, you can see MY mother, Mildred Howard Rausch and her little brother Donald Howard, along with their dog named “Beidy” ~ which was short for Beidler.  

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