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THE TUSCARAWAS ADVOCATE- August 29, 1901 – Rainy-Day Picnic

Posted by on February 1, 2013
The following party of New Philadelphia people held a rainy day picnic as Bass Island last Thursday afternoon and evening: Mrs. Ornbun and Miss Lee of Crawfordsville, Ind, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cable and family, Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Brister and family, Mr. and Mrs. T.P. O’Connell and family, Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Nagely, Mr and Mrs. E. C. Schweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. C L. McIlvaine, Miss Lydia Downey and Messrs. D. R. and L. S. Wilkin.
    The party went to the island on the 1:20 car and before they were fairly settled rain commenced to pour down in torrents. Several showers followed the first one and when supper time came tables benches and ground were soaked. A number of the gentlemen were delayed on acount of the failure of the boat to meet the car and before the big repast was over, it was dark. It requires considerable grit to stick to a rainy-day picnic until after dark.

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