Walton Brothers Store – Beidler, Ohio
The picture of the store at Beidler with the Walton sign. The man wearing the baseball uniform was John Quincy Adamson.
The Ohio Democrat and Times, May 23, 1901 – BASS ISLAND
The Name of the New Resort in the Tuscarawas River Down the river about 200 yards from where the Stillwater empties its yellow water into the sparkling Tuscarawas there is an island of about 30 acres. On either side of the island is what is known as the state dam, which was placed there in … Continue reading
Goshen Hill Church
Photo from approximately 1868 of the Goshen Hill Church which sat near the Goshen Hill Cemetery.
Canal Put Goshen on the Map (from Recollections of a Community Part 1, page 3)
Ohio and Eric Canal Lock No. 14 at Goshen was one of the most photographed of all the canal locks because its location was so picturesqe. Enterprising photographers during the canal era often took pictures of canal boats passing through the lock, often called Newcastle Lock. It still exists and is located along Rt. 416, … Continue reading
Miscellaneous Pictures – From: Mike Swaldo
If you can identify these people, please comment on this post and I will add the names to them. Both photos were taken in 1938-1939. The photo with 9 people in it was taken at the Haney Home. The photo with 7 people in it was taken at the Davis home and in the background … Continue reading