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Obituary – Lois E. Mansill

Posted by on February 11, 2012

LOIS E. MANSILL, 72, of Sherrodsville, died on September 21, 2008, after a lengthy illness. She was the daughter of the late James A. and Bernice K. Oppy, of Goshen. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Mark and Diann Mansill and one granddaughter, Kathrine Mansill. Lois was preceded in death by her husband Bart F. Mansill, who was the former Principal of Central Elementary, in New Philadelphia School District. Lois worked for many years at Harts Family Center, in New Philadelphia and was a member of the Gohsen Community Church of the Nazarene, in Goshen. Rev. Lee Randolph officiated the funeral service. A reception was held in the social hall of the church following the burial at Roxford Church Cemetery.

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