THE TUSCARAWAS ADVOCATE- August 29, 1901 – Rainy-Day Picnic

The following party of New Philadelphia people held a rainy day picnic as Bass Island last Thursday afternoon and evening: Mrs. Ornbun and Miss Lee of Crawfordsville, Ind, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cable and family, Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Brister and family, Mr. and Mrs. T.P. O’Connell and family, Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Nagely, Mr and Mrs. E. C. Schweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. C L. McIlvaine, Miss Lydia Downey and Messrs. D. R. and L. S. Wilkin.
    The party went to the island on the 1:20 car and before they were fairly settled rain commenced to pour down in torrents. Several showers followed the first one and when supper time came tables benches and ground were soaked. A number of the gentlemen were delayed on acount of the failure of the boat to meet the car and before the big repast was over, it was dark. It requires considerable grit to stick to a rainy-day picnic until after dark.
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Caught Many Fish, Had a Good Time, Although They had Accidents

A jolly lot of men, disciples of “Izaak Walton” the fisherman, grabbed their lines and poles last Friday morning and left bright and early over the electric railway, the objective point being Bass Island. The party was gotten up in honor of Dr. Skinner, who was here visiting his local life Insurance agent W.A. Wagner and it consisted of Dr. Skinner, V.H. Mowls, A.V. Donahey, Dr. Heavlin, Harvey Mathias, John Kron and W.A. Wagner. On arrival at the Stillwater bridge, the steamer was in waiting and after the provisions, bait and “sich” had been transferred they went streaming down the river. Like all other parties of the same size, this fishing party had its misfortunes. Dr. Heavlin, being broad shouldered, thought he could carry the case of bait but he found that there wasn’t much gas in it and it became heavier every rod he went and the load was saddled on to Mowls’ broad shoulders. A.V. Donahey lost one of the nicest strings of fish that ever were caught. It was done carelessly too. He had caught several tubs full and had them strung on a twine which he fastened to the oar pin of the boat. In working the oar the string was cut and this biggest string you ever saw was lost, irretrievably gone. Another heart rending, body soaking accident occurred to V.H. Mowls as he was crossing on the rock just below the dam; his feet slipped and down he sat in about two feet of swiftly flowing water. The boys “threw ? hooks” into him and elevated him to an upright position and strung him on a tree to let him dry out. His was the biggest splash that the raging Tuscarawas has seen since the high water. Barring these accidents, the boys all had a glorious time. Their guest was pleased over the hospitable way he was treated and they all returned home in the evening about 7 o’clock bringing with them some over 60 slm?. (not legible.)

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The Ohio Democrat and Times, May 23, 1901 – BASS ISLAND

The Name of the New Resort in the Tuscarawas River

Down the river about 200 yards from where the Stillwater empties its yellow water into the sparkling Tuscarawas there is an island of about 30 acres. On either side of the island is what is known as the state dam, which was placed there in early days to provide water for keeping the canal filled but part of the dam is washed away, enough remaining however to make deep water on both sides of the island and so void of current too that row boating is made easy.
Harry Darst formerly of Blakes Mills lives on the island and is also the pilot of the three steam boats that ply between the island and the Stillwater bridge. Mr Darst has the Falcon and Genevieve, which were used for sailing on the canal and he also has one larger steamer, new, to which he has not given a name. The new boat will carry 150, the Falcon 75 and the Genevieve is for small parties.
The Tuscarawas Electric Railroad Co. has taken a deep interest in giving to the island some facilities that will make it a resting place for families that will make it a delightful resort for picnic parties, for Sunday school outings and a place where the average, tired man can find rest and recreation. Being easily reached from Uhrichsville and Dennison from the south and by New Philadelphia and Canal Dover from the North, there is nothing to prevent it being a desirable place for Sunday outings or any other day for that matter, especially is this true when it is once known that the rough element will not be permitted in override or distress those who quietly go to spend a few hours in pleasant repose.
It was our pleasant privilege a few days ago of being one of an invited party to inspect the island and the means of reaching it. The party went from New Philadelphia and was accompanied by Supt. Akins of the Tuscarawas Street Railway. On the arrival of the car at the bridge over the Stillwater, the party embarked on the steamer Falcon, with Harry Rice as Captain. Harry Darst as pilot and Charles Shoop as Engineer. The ride down the Stillwater is through the deepest part of that stream, the banks of the river are beautiful and green at this season, but when once in the Tuscarawas the channel is swifter, while the scene is no less beautiful and inspiring. Water travel at all times is a source of exquisite pleasure and though the ride from the bridge to the island is not an extended one, yet it is pleasing.
Mr. Darst has a good lunch room at his place and he will at once build a dancing platform, will erect tables for the accomodation of picnic parties, he will also keep fishing tackle, bait and etc. for fishermen and will have bathing suits for those who desire to take a plunge in the sparkling waters of the beautiful Tuscarawas. There is a possibility that during the summer months a theatrical troupe will be engaged and that plays will be put on in the big tent which will be erected on the grounds.
It is now the intention of the Railroad Co. to open the place to the general public in about two weeks. When it is opened there will be grand hurrahs and a montrous time. The fare from New Philadelphia to the Island and return will be put at the very low price of 15. cents.
If any of our people desire to take an hour or two away from business or home, we know that the boat ride will be most delightful. Try a trip.

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Bass Island Document


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TUSCARAWAS ADVOCATE- Thursday, May 23, 1901

Bass Island as a Resort

Bass Island, under the joint management of the Tuscarawas Railway company and Mr. Harry Darst, promises to be a most popular summer resort for the people of this vicinity. Bass Island is located in the Tuscarawas River about one mile below a point opposite the Royal fire clay works. Its area is about thirty-three acres, well wooded and shady at one end and cleared at the other. There is a good restaurant on the island and ample shelter for a large gathering of people in case of rain, also opportunity for a wide variety of sports. There is an excellent beach for wading and bathing, good boating, fishing, picnic grounds- in fact almost everything that is necessary for a day’s outing. Bass Island is reached by the N.P.U. electric cars and a line of steamers which take passengers at the railroad bridge crossing at Stillwater, just below Midvale. Three steamers under the direction of Admiral Darst play between this point and the island, making the round trip in twenty minutes. The larger vessel, Twilight will carry 150 passengers; the Falcon 90 and the Genevieve 10. The fare to Bass Island from New Philadelphia and Uhrichsville and return will be fifteen cents.
A party of New Philadelphia people were given an opportunity to inspect the Bass Island last Sunday by Supt. Akins. They were Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Alberson, Mr and Mrs. Eugene Kaderly, the Misses Kate Welty, Florence Myers, Jennie Mitchener, Carrie Niles and Messrs. Geo. Marsh, F.K. Pratt, Theodore and John Kaderly, I. E. Korns, J. I. Kennedy, H.O. Riker, also Messrs. Davey, Herrick and Westhafer, of Uhrichsville. The party boarded the Twilight and were given a pleasant ride on the river and were shown over the island which was pronounced to be well fitted for the purpose intended. Bass Island will be formally opened June 2.

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Goshen Hill School – List of Teachers


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Goshen Hill School – 1904

Goshen Hill School

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1823 Story from the Tuscarawas County Historical Society – Goshen Indians

During the War of 1812, the Goshen Indians were prohibited by the whites from going outside the bounds of their village under penalty of being held and treated as an enemy. An occasional stealthy infraction of this prohibition by a young Indian resulted sometimes in frightening a child or woman who was unfortunate enough to meet him.
Rev. Abraham Luckenbach was the missionary at Goshen in the fall of 1823, when the mission was broken up and the Indians removed to Canada.
The Indians were extremely loath to leave the wildwood haunts of the valley, which had become endeared to them by a long and pleasant residence. Slowly and sadly they left their homes, and traveled up the west banks of the river, accompanied by their pastor.
At New Philadelphia they crossed the Tuscarawas and continued the journey by way of Sandyville to Cleveland, where they embarked on a vessel for their new home in Canada.
Tom Lyons is said to have been the only Indian who refused to go. He lingered about for many years, the terror of children and dread of women, for he boasted of having in his possession the tongues of ninety-nine white women, and wanted another to make an even number!
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Beidler School Picture with names…

Beidler School

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Picture near Goshen/Beidler, Ohio?

Picture near Goshen/Beidler, Ohio. Can anyone identify this location
and house?
Notice the horse and buggy plus a canal boat!

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