Tagged With: Krocker
Mary Krocker and Ida Howard at the Krocker residence in 1967.
Ida Howard was the first custodian at the Goshen School.
Goshen School’s 5th and 6th grade team. 1948
Obituary – Evelyn Marie Moore
EVELYN MARIE MOORE- Age 95, passed away on October 18, 2009. Moore was born in Goshen, Ohio on August 22, 1914, to Emmett and Ida (Smith) Howard. Ida was the first custodian at the Goshen School, which opened in 1923. Evelyn was raised in a home on the current David Rd. and remembers when the stone wall was built around … Continue reading
Goshen Pictures – 1960’s
Sue Rolli Kirtley Family
Sue Rolli Kirtley resided in Goshen from 1959 to 1976. She lived with her parents Marge and Neil and brothers Kevin and Allan. Neil passed away in January of 1987 and Kevin in December of 2004. They had all resided along old Rt. 4 which is currently State Route 416 across from Rolli’s Tavern which was owned and operated … Continue reading
Dorothy’s Homemade Noodles
6 egg yolks 2 whole eggs 1 Tbs. Salt 2 C flour (approximately) Beat eggs with salt and gradually add flour. Roll very thin. Allow to dry approximately 30 minutes or until edges feel dry. Roll sheets together and slice very thin. Cook in broth or use as you would dry noodles, watching cooking time. … Continue reading
Steve and Sue (Kennedy) Burgess
Wilson “Bill” and Betty Kennedy moved into their house along State Route 416, in 1955. The house was moved around 1970 from the current Goshen Valley Rd. when the new 416 was built. Bill and Betty had two children, Mike and Sue. Mike and Sue’s grandparents were Jack and Mary Kennedy, who lived in Goshen … Continue reading
Universal Sewer Pipe Corporation Plant #2
The Universal Sewer Pipe Corporation Plant #2 began its operations about 1920 and was located at the present site of the Skeeter Hollow Farm (owned by Mike and Dawn Smitley), which was formerly Cookson Industrial Site. The plant, which had 14 kilns, specialized in making vitrified clay pipe, flue lining and stove pipe in various … Continue reading
Goshen Little League
Approximately 40 years ago, the Goshen Little League thrived and was an exciting part of the Goshen Community. Ron Ebert coached the team for a few years and then Daniel D. Carlisle took the reigns. During this time the Midvale Lions sponsored the teams of Goshen, Roswell, Barnhill and Midvale which made up the league. … Continue reading