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5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders at Goshen School in 1947

Posted by on February 14, 2012


Front row, l to r, Gary Gibson, Tom Carlisle, John Wallace, Phyllis Reynolds, Marge Carlisle, Anna Davis, Loretta Endsley, Virginia Gribble, Lois Oppy and Warner Maurer.
2nd row, l to r, Eddie Krocker, Junior Davis, Ronnie Harmon, Ronnie Gibson, Eddie Warner, Bill Anderson and Nellie Davis.

3rd row, l to r, Stogie Rausch, janitor, Donald Freeman, teacher, Lou Ann Briggs, Marge Oppy, Shirley Murphy, Augusta Endsley, Bonnie Wallace, Shirley Maurer, Connie Gibson and Joan Garrett.

4th row, l to r, Eugene Wolfe, Jack Davis, Frank Swaldo, Frank Davis, Calvin Brown, Earl Walton and Bob Schaar.

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