Tagged With: Harmon
Goshen teenagers waiting at Midvale School in 1935
Goshen teenagers waiting at Midvale School in 1935 for bus ride home to Goshen. First row (L to R) Edna Shidaker, Kathryn Howard, Gladys Haney and Eileen Harmon. Back row (L to R) Flora Terazzi, Dorothy Carlisle and Betty Swihart.
5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders at Goshen School in 1947
Front row, l to r, Gary Gibson, Tom Carlisle, John Wallace, Phyllis Reynolds, Marge Carlisle, Anna Davis, Loretta Endsley, Virginia Gribble, Lois Oppy and Warner Maurer. 2nd row, l to r, Eddie Krocker, Junior Davis, Ronnie Harmon, Ronnie Gibson, Eddie Warner, Bill Anderson and Nellie Davis. 3rd row, l to r, Stogie Rausch, janitor, … Continue reading