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Tagged With: Haney

Goshen teenagers waiting at Midvale School in 1935

  Goshen teenagers waiting at Midvale School in 1935 for bus ride home to Goshen. First row (L to R) Edna Shidaker, Kathryn Howard, Gladys Haney and Eileen Harmon. Back row (L to R) Flora Terazzi, Dorothy Carlisle and Betty Swihart.

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Beidler Women’s Baseball Team Members

Beidler Women’s Baseball Team Members front row (L to R): Anna Hilson Wenger, Goldie Haas Edwards and Emma Schumacher Meyers and at far right Cora Cookson. Back row: Maude James Haney and at far right Grace Frantz Stull. Some could not be identified.

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7th and 8th grade class at Goshen Hill School, probably taken in early 1900s

    7th and 8th grade class at Goshen Hill School, probably taken in early  1900s. Front row, L to R, John Stein, Anna Kopp, Roberta Haney, Florence Loveday, Doe or Doc (Byron) Moore. Back row, L to R, Teacher Ben Core or Kuri, Lenny Gibbs, unknown, Jack Swihart, William Carlisle and William Kopp.

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Picture: 1908, Eva A. Hill Lute, age 8, and Esther Hill Haney, age 5

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Picture: front, Isaac F. Hill, Mariam Hill, back_ Amelia Davis, Esther Haney, Bobby Haney. Little girl in front, Esther Mae Haney

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Picture: Esther Haney, Dorothy Snyder and Jane Cookson. Front – Esther Mae Haney Cox.

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Picture: Faye Haney, Willard Haney, Esther Haney, William Haney and Helen Haney – 1944

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Picture: Mille Davis and Esther Haney

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Salt block house is located where Gloria and Garry Lute reside currently on Goshen Valley Road.

The salt block house is located where Gloria and Garry Lute reside currently on Goshen Valley Rd. Esther said there were many of these houses in Goshen then.

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The Hill girls on their pony “Billy”.

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