Tagged With: Edwards
Early mailman…
Left, John Haas, Goshen’s early mailman, picked mail up at streetcar stop on E. High Ave. in Schoenbrunn and delivered to Goshen, Beidler and Goshen Hill. Seated on right is Tom Edwards. From Kate Swaldo of Wainwright: Before my grandfather, John Haas, began delivering mail in the Goshen area, he had served in the Civil … Continue reading
Beidler Women’s Baseball Team Members
Beidler Women’s Baseball Team Members front row (L to R): Anna Hilson Wenger, Goldie Haas Edwards and Emma Schumacher Meyers and at far right Cora Cookson. Back row: Maude James Haney and at far right Grace Frantz Stull. Some could not be identified.
The Edwards Sisters
The Edwards Sisters… We do not know which one is which! Sorry! Maybe we can determine that at a later date.