Universal Sewer Pipe Corporation Plant #2
Pumpkin Pie – Mother’s
Dorothy’s Homemade Noodles
6 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
1 Tbs. Salt
2 C flour (approximately)
Beat eggs with salt and gradually add flour. Roll very thin. Allow to dry approximately 30 minutes or until edges feel dry. Roll sheets together and slice very thin.
Cook in broth or use as you would dry noodles, watching cooking time. These noodles will cook quicker than store-bought noodles.
Ginny Krocker, in memory of Dorothy Hibbs
Paul and Mary Mehok Family
Paul and Mary Mehok moved to Goshen on May 21, 1954, after purchasing the property which was formerly the Pissocra’s Store. They settled here to be closer to Paul’s work at Warner and Swasey’s. Mary said they didn’t want to live in town. The couple had three daughters, Sharon, Paula and Amy. Paula and her husband Mark Putnam also reside on Goshen Valley Rd. in the house once owned by Carlo and Virginia Terazzi. Amy also lives on Goshen Vly. Rd. near Mary. Sharon (Freed) recently passed away after suffering with many health issues. She and her husband Bill (also deceased) have a son, Andy. Paul died on April 12, 1992 after a long battle with cancer. Mary later married Norman Stover, also of Goshen on May 22, 1994. He is now deceased.
New additions…
Added stuff on Elsie Starcher, Fuzzy and Carol Carlisle, and a “Believe it or Not!” section in the “People” menu. The new section talks about John Dillinger, the famous robber! Also, some new info on the Goshen Trophies.