Easter in the 1960s at the Krocker’s


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“New” Goshen road and etc…


Building the “new” road through Goshen.


Sled riding on the hill near Brokaw’s house.



Cindy Krocker Davis doing ????  (That is an Oak tree.)

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Fishing 1940

One of the great sports enjoyed back in the “good old days” was the sport of fishing. Here are a group of friends from the community of Goshen in 1940 posing for fellow fisherman and picture-taker Joe Gervasi. Left to right: Dave Briggs, Tom Meechan, Jim Warner, Bill Terazzi and Adrian “Ade” Rausch.

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Help! – We need more photos and family stories….

Sorry…but we are starting to run low on photos and family stories!

This site have been an overwhelming success and many people have
contacted me telling me so.  I do not make a penny off of this site, but
I do spend a lot of time managing it.  I am rewarded by hearing how much
everyone enjoys it.

We can make it even better!

I just need you to take a little time here and there to scan a photo or 
send a short story about your family or another family from the Goshen area.

We could also add a section for current news.  

Remember the newspapers of years ago?  They would print much of the day-to-day happenings in
a community.  I believe that these things all helped people feel more
like they belonged and were part of the community…even in the
dead of Winter we can share this news.

Did you take an exciting trip lately?  A new child or grandchild?
Did any member of your family do something you just really
want to tell others?  Send me an email and I may add it.

Do you have other ideas of things we could add here?  Let me know!!!



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Dedication of the eternal light at the Zeisberger Cemetery in Goshen > in the 1970s.

Dedication of the eternal light at the Zeisberger Cemetery in Goshen 1970s

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Goshen teenagers waiting at Midvale School in 1935

Goshen teenagers waiting at Midvale School in 1935


Goshen teenagers waiting at Midvale School in 1935 for bus ride home
to Goshen.

First row (L to R) Edna Shidaker, Kathryn Howard, Gladys
Haney and Eileen Harmon.

Back row (L to R) Flora Terazzi, Dorothy Carlisle and Betty Swihart.

Categories: Family Photos | Tags: , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Early mailman, John Haas, more info added.


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Early mailman…

John Haas, Goshens early mailman.

Left, John Haas, Goshen’s early mailman, picked mail up at streetcar
stop on E. High Ave. in Schoenbrunn and delivered to Goshen, Beidler
and Goshen Hill. Seated on right is Tom Edwards.

From Kate Swaldo of Wainwright:
Before my grandfather, John Haas, began delivering mail in the Goshen area, he had
served in the Civil War. He really wasn’t old enough, but he wanted to serve his country
and so he lied about his age so he could enlist. His two brothers also were serving in
the Civil War. While serving, all three brothers fought together in one battle and sadly,
John’s two brothers were killed.     
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Goshen Cornet Band



Goshen Cornet Band

Members were front row (L to R): George Walton, Fred Sherer, John Sherer, Robert Carlisle, Gibson Carlisle,
John Hobart and Alexander Winkler.

Back row (L to R): Edward Ruefly, John Cramer, Edward Walton, Arthur Walton, Tillman Miller, Jack Swihart,
Frank Swihart, Jesse Walton, James Carlisle and leader Harvey Heck.

“Our dad was in the band and it played for everything that went on in Goshen,” said Rebecca Carlisle Clerici.

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Beidler Women’s Ballteam members relaxing in buggy.



Beidler Women’s Ballteam members relaxing in buggy.

Seated Left Emma Schumacher Meyer and Goldie Haas in the middle. Woman on the
right could not be identified.

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