Families of Goshen
Garry Lute Sr. and possibly David Lute
Garry Lute Sr. (the younger child) and another older child who is possibly David Lute. This one was taken around 52 or 53. In this picture you can get a good view of the houses in the background. Notice the hole in the porch right below where the kids are sitting.
Earl F. Lute, son of Henry Lute and Eva Hill Lute. They young lad he is holding is Garry Lute
Earl F. Lute, son of Henry Lute and Eva Hill Lute. The young lad he is holding is Garry Lute. The picture was taken around 1952. They are sitting on the front porch of Isaac Hill’s house. The rooftop in the background should be the top of Fuzzy Carlisle’s old house. Submitted by: Garry Lute, Jr.
Shremshock Family
The following items were sent to me from Mary Lou Shremshock in an e-mail. Mary Lou, her husband Jerry and their family of 5 boys (now six boys) resided in the house that David and Ruth Meese now live in on Goshen Valley Rd. The Shremshocks lived there for several years in the late 1960’s … Continue reading
History is being sought on house in Goshen…can anyone help?
I moved into Goshen last almost 2 years ago. I am looking for stories of residents that lived in my house. The address is 2467 David Road, right across from the graveyard. I’d like to get some history on this house in particular. I enjoy the country feel here, and still being close to town. … Continue reading
Hazel and Howard Hill Family
My grandparents were Hazel and Howard Hill. They had three children: Howard (now living in Florida), Kenneth (my father, still in Ohio) and a daughter (she died very young). They lived “up on the hill” next to the Winkler brothers. My great grandfather, Isaac, created “Black Salve” and “White Linoment” in the “Medicine House” that … Continue reading
5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders at Goshen School in 1947
Front row, l to r, Gary Gibson, Tom Carlisle, John Wallace, Phyllis Reynolds, Marge Carlisle, Anna Davis, Loretta Endsley, Virginia Gribble, Lois Oppy and Warner Maurer. 2nd row, l to r, Eddie Krocker, Junior Davis, Ronnie Harmon, Ronnie Gibson, Eddie Warner, Bill Anderson and Nellie Davis. 3rd row, l to r, Stogie Rausch, janitor, … Continue reading
Paul and Faye Warner Maurer
Submitted by: Treva “Sue” Maurer Cope My Grandfather (Ralph Warner) had property in Goshen, quite a few acres, 100 or more. He had a coal mine close to where we used to live (on Goshen Hill Rd.) and had horses pull the coal wagons. My mom (Faye) who was Ralph’s daughter, lived with and cared for her … Continue reading
Lloyd C. and Catherine (Bubbles) McWilliams Family
By: Arlene McWilliams Transou Lloyd C.McWilliams married Mary Catherine Richards November 30th of 1956, there are 4 children from this union, Dennis, Lea, myself, and Scott, while all except myself still live within a 2 mile radius, I’m the only one thats relocated to Wooster, Ohio, Dad bought a piece of the old Schaar farm, … Continue reading